
events & undervisning for forløsning & embodiment :

“Fear is courage
becoming known”

Events& Undervisning

Liberating compassion, awareness & embodiment practices – as they have been taught to me through my teachers – are an integrated part of how I work – humbly traced through all my gatherings & teachings.

Healing cirkler : Recalibration Circles

reiki & other healing practices

“Relax into the truth of who you really are
Surrender to the rythm of your own nature’s pulse
Allow life to play your tune
Through your body vessel
Tune in with your innate guidance system
For a life lived and based on YOUR unique intel”

We will be meeting ourselves, in the company of others
Share self-soothing, relaxing techniques. Acknowledging our own sovereign self, through validating our emotions, experience, and expressing our truth.

The circle is a dedicated space for Yin practice
– Let go of forcing –
– Ease into flowing –

Validating our internal world, and practicing giving it a voice by sharing in the circle;
_Naturally creates more space for more of you to enter the external world. It cultivates a sense of safety in your own skin, a sense of worth that ripples into your community.
_A sense of safety for you to be who you really are, no more minimizing, dimming or fawning your surroundings
_For a clear mind, stable body & natural radiance.

Liv i bevægelse : Wholesome In Motion

ki-movement, feel freely, full expression

“Uncover yourself and find the wild child
Claim your space and let shame fly
“away, away, away”
she said,
and danced like her steps had never really been too much, too little, too slow, or too big of a wave, a whole life kept at bay.”

Bevægelses events i forskellige formater, nogle gange blot helt simple øvelser som både inkluderer sindet, kroppen og åndedrættet. Andre gange også det, men mere rituelt – men altid lidt som en opdagelsesrejse, gennem indre og ydre landskaber.

Vi gør det for at mødes omkring dansen, skabe et trygt og frit rum sammen. For at dele ud af værktøjer til at mærke livet indefra og ud, fri fra idéer om andres blik til at lade dig bevæge frit, intune med dit flow.

Gennem nærværende bevægelse:
– harmoniseres dit energifelt – der genskabes balance
– sættes stagneret energi i bevægelse – for udrensning
– frisættes mere energi – for mere overskud/energi
– integrere og grounde i kroppen – for mere stabilitet fysisk, mentalt og følelsesmæssigt
– stærkere, klarere, autentisk udtryk

For adgang til visdommen der findes i din krops celler
For fortrolighed med dine sansninger, din indre navigation – der leder dig på rette vej, og signalerer hvad der er det gode valg for dig – for dit helbred, din balance og dit frie liv.

Energi & Bevidsthed : Energetics Club

human design teachings + psychologies of transformation mm.

“This is for you who are curious to find more direction, clarity on your purpose, strengths and vision. Especially for creatives & entrepreneurs who are ready to align and streamline their process according to their unique energetics.
So that they can experience flow, ease & power in their creative process, find their voice & bring their creations to a wider audience.”

– and for anyone who is curious about energetic mechanisms in general, for more understanding seeding more compassion with ourselves & others.

The intention for these gatherings, is for you to:
– have practical, applicable methods for living more in alignment with your own energy : how to best facilitate your own processes – whether it be, inner process, creation process or co-creative processes.
– feel supported and connected with like-minded who are/ or want to create purposefully.
– feel more free in your own expression and to play a little more.
– be seen in your genius & receive empowerment to live out that potential.

Selvhealing kurser : Reiki Ryoho level I, II, adv. & master

reiki courses in the traditional Japanese Usui & Tibetan Reiki Ryoho


Liv i Bevægelse med Louise er en
invitation til at gå på opdagelse i egen krop. Med guidede bevægelser og plads til at lytte ind til egne behov, skabes et frit rum til at udfolde sit indre i bevægelse.
Det har hos mig været med til at åbne op for et energiflow i mit system.
Louise har en naturlig evne til at skabe et trygt rum, og tillade retningen at gå hen hvor flowet er.
Jeg kan varmt anbefale Louise's bevægelsesworkshops. - Anders
